Sunday, July 11, 2010


"hurtmold" is Fernando Cappi, Guilherme Granado, Marcos Gerez, Mario Cappi, Mauricio Takara, Rogerio Martins. Post-rock band formed in 1998 in the city of Sao Paulo, Brasil.

It's funny how things happen... I downloaded Hurtmold's album Cozido, a few weeks before my trip to Rio de Janeiro - November 13, 2009. I listened to maybe two songs, which I liked, but for some reason I kept putting them aside. At that time I couldn't stop listening to TOE and the newest Built To Spill album. I was in Rio for a month, the whole time interacting with family and rejecting electronic vices. I was completely dedicated and in love with living a Brasilian life. On the flight back to the States all I listened to was Brasilian music from MPB (Popular Music of Brasil), to Samba and Pagode. Overwhelmed with my native sound, I figured what better time to listen to Hurtmold, then now.

When the first song started playing all I wanted to do was to play guitar and hum some words but I settled for tapping the beats on my knees to avoid any awkwardness. I was feeling this connection that i couldn't explain. I felt as if I knew who they were, as if they are family. Throughout the album I felt completely paralyzed and extremely inspired to pursue music. After all that happened on that trip I felt relieved, finally at ease.

When I finally landed in Austin, Texas all I wanted to do was to find free wifi, so I could download more Hurtmold. I had four hours to kill before my next flight to Newark, New Jersey. I couldn't believe that I had just left Brasil and had no idea that Hurtmold would be such an inspiration to me. There in that airport with slow as fuck wifi, I downloaded their album "Mestro". I didn't want to listen to it until I got on the plane where I wouldn't be bothered. I quickly boarded the plane with my snacks and headphones on to be seated next to this business man who bought me two airplane bottles of jack's whiskey. It was only a three hour flight, and after the first hour he finally stopped talking. Finally, Mestro!

What can I say? It's the music of my life. I looked out the window at the land below and thought about my future. I knew that this was what I aspire to make. Listen to "Musica politica para maradona cantar" the last song on their Mestro album and I hope you can understand. It's July 11, 2010 and I have listened to their whole discography numerous times. It's magical! Go listen to it for yourself and email me!

Click image to DOWNLOAD

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